29 June 2011


I had wanted to document my development process, but I've been so deep into it that it's been difficult to find the time to write about it. That, and because of my relative inexperience, even the basic, simple stuff has taken twice as long as it probably should. But I have been making progress.

I started out with (what I thought was) a reasonably simple, reasonably basic idea -- and promptly filled four or five sketchbook pages (maybe six) with ideas as to how it might be implemented, first on the iPhone, and then on the iPad. I decided to start with the iPad version.

In the end, it's taken about two weeks, off and on. I'm not finished yet, but I'm getting there. And I've learned a lot. Part of the delay has been in going back in and reworking code (and reworking it again) as I've discovered there was a better way. Lots of time has been spent implementing additional features and mechanisms and whatnot I didn't know I'd need 'till I had a working prototype. And then, there's the fine-tuning and attention-to-detail stuff that I just can't let pass.

When all is said and done, it will probably have taken much more time than will ever be returned in sales. But I had to start somewhere, even if somewhere quickly became much more complicated than I had anticipated.

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